About Us

The Website

We think it is always important to state the purpose of a website (or anything) very clearly so we can really focus on what we are trying to do!  At Black Raspberry Buzz our goal is to do one thing: provide you the best, most comprehensive collection of information on black raspberries.  It’s really that simple.

Who We Are

Here at Black Raspberry Buzz we are a community that about informing people of all the great information out there on black raspberries.  We will be posting articles, interviews, Q&A sessions, videos, and research summaries on black raspberries, all done by people that are close to the source of the information.  Our goal is to allow researchers, doctors, and farmers to speak directly to people out there that want to learn more about black raspberries and what makes them so special.  This website is a gateway serving to make that happen.

The Bee Story

The “Buzz” in our name isn’t just a cool word.  It ties into one of the most important aspects of successfully growing high-quality berries: the bees!

All farmers know and appreciate the impact of bees.  They fit in with the natural insect population, and pollinate the berry flowers in the spring.  Bees are basically the reason why you even end up with berries to harvest in the summer time!  A lot of farms while bring in bees during times where they aren’t spraying with pesticides or other chemicals, as bees are very susceptible to any kind of harsh chemicals.  However one farm that we have grown very close to has a different relationship with bees.

Sturm’s Berry Farm is actually home to the Oregon Berry Bee Project, and keeps bees onsite year round.  Because the Sturms do not use harsh chemicals or spray their black raspberries with pesticides, they were an ideal location for this project.  After talking with the Sturms and going out to see the beehives out on their farm, we really got a true sense of, despite all the advances in technology, how symbiotic of a relationship there really is between farmers and their natural surroundings.  Some choose to use man-made methods to try and control as much as they can, but farms like Sturm’s Berry Farm have taken a different approach.  They try and leverage their natural surroundings to help them grow better berries, and they do it because it works so well.

Here at Black Raspberry Buzz, that is what we are all about.  Black raspberries are a truly amazing natural food that that has the benefit of being well-studied in (close to) its natural form.  We feel like it is very important for us to better understand and take advantage of this natural resource.



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